On May 26th, Harvard Alpaca Ranch welcomed a new baby girl alpaca, named Luna.

Luna is the daughter of Silken Fire (dam) and Ivanhoe (sire). Luna is the newest sibling to several alpacas on the farm. She is sister to Reggie (Fire's son) and to Lulu and Liberty Belle (daughters of Ivanhoe). Luna was 20.8 pounds at birth which is on the large side and she is continuing to gain weight each day. She was up on her feet about 30 minutes after birth and is now an accepted member of the herd.

This the seventh successful cria (baby alpaca) birth at Harvard Alpaca Ranch since 2017. Two more cria are expected in July. To learn more about alpaca babies and what makes alpacas so great, make an appointment to visit the ranch and meet Luna for yourself.

WEBSITE: harvardalpacaranch.com

FACEBOOK: @harvardalpacaranch

INSTAGRAM: @jammerthepaca
